How do I hide or un-hide accounts on my digital banking profile?

When you first log in to digital banking, you'll see all of your accounts - on all of your memberships. We recommend hiding an account if you don't want to see it in your digital banking dashboard. The account will still be available for transfers. You can always un-hide the account at a later date if you want to check on it.

If you don't want to see any of the accounts on another membership of yours, and you don't want to perform transfers to or from that membership in digital banking - you can remove the membership from your digital banking profile. This won't remove you from that membership, it just removes the accounts from your digital banking profile. You can also add the membership back at any time.

Remove a membership from my digital banking profile

Hide accounts from your digital banking dashboard

  1. Open the More tab (online) or the hamburger menu (three stacked lines in the upper-right corner of the app)
  2. Click Digital Banking Settings
  3. Under the Account Settings tab, select the account you'd like to hide or show from the Select account drop-down
  4. Under Account Preferences, select the Show account or Hide account radio button
  5. Click Save Settings