How do I select a password for online banking (E*Teller)?

Once your account has been set up for Online Banking (E*Teller), you will be issued a temporary password. 

The first time you log in you will be prompted to select a new password. You may change your password at anytime by selecting the Member Options link. 

New Password Complexity:

  • Between 8-32 characters.
  • Must contain at least one upper-case letter.
  • Must contain at least one lower-case letter.
  • Must contain at least one number or special character
    • Special characters include ! # $ % _ -

Password CANNOT contain:

  • These special characters @ . * +
  • Cannot contain your first or last name
  • Cannot match the Login ID or contain the Login ID within
  • Cannot contain the word “password” 

When selecting a password, use something that is not easily guessed - avoid birthdays and addresses. Avoid using the same password each time, and use different passwords for each account. Since the password is for security purposes, you should not disclose it to anyone.